
2015年8月20日 星期四

[AP] 將信件attach到系統的功能

-Attach Mail
-要將mail的設計文件主套表信件(_M) | Memo

'//Attach (Action) Click
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim docMail As NotesDocument
Dim docMailNew As NotesDocument
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim viewMail As NotesView
Dim docTmp As NotesDocument 
Dim itemAuthor As NotesItem 
Dim strFN_Subject As String
Dim strFN__UNID As String
Set db=session.CurrentDatabase
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
Set doc = uidoc.Document
Set viewMail = db.GetView("viewMemoByID")
strFN_Subject = "MailSubject"
strFN_UNID = "MailNoteID_1"
'=====check name.nsf============
Dim dbEmp As NotesDatabase
Dim docEmp As NotesDocument
Dim viewEmp As NotesView
Dim strMailServer As String
Dim strMailfile As String
Set dbEmp = New NotesDatabase( "CMOS05/CHIPMOS", "names.nsf" )
Set viewEmp = dbEmp.GetView("View-Full Name")
Set docEmp = viewEmp.GetDocumentByKey(session.CommonUserName )
If Not docEmp Is Nothing Then
strMailServer = docEmp.mailserver(0)
strMailfile = docEmp.mailfile(0)
Messagebox "開啟"+session.CommonUserName+"信箱;"+"Mailserver:"+strMailServer+";Mailfile:"+strMailfile,mb_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION,db.Title 
Messagebox "找不到"+session.CommonUserName+"的信箱",mb_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION,db.Title 
Exit Sub
End If
Dim strFloderName As String
Dim varResult As Variant
Dim aryOption(0 To 2) As String
aryOption(0) = "全部文件"
aryOption(1) = "信箱"
aryOption(2) = "寄件備份"
varResult = ws.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST,"選擇資料夾","選擇資料夾",aryOption(0),aryOption)
If Isempty(varResult) Then
Exit Sub
Select Case varResult 
Case "信箱"
strFloderName = "$Inbox"
Case "寄件備份"
strFloderName = "$Sent"
Case Else
strFloderName = "($All)"
End Select
End If
Set dc = ws.PickListCollection(1, False, _
strMailServer,strMailFile,strFloderName,"Attach Mail", _
"Please select a mail document.")
Set docMail = dc.GetFirstDocument
If docMail Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
Messagebox "你要貼入的 Mail 主旨: " + Cstr(docMail.Subject(0)),MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION,db.title
Set docMailNew = New NotesDocument (db)
Set itemAuthor = New NotesItem(docMailNew,"DocAuthors",session.UserName ,AUTHORS)
Call docMailNew.save(True,False)
Call docMail.CopyAllItems (docMailNew)
docMailNew.Form = "Memo"
Call docMailNew.RemoveItem ("SysMoved")
'Forall m In docMail.Items
' If Ucase(m.name) <> "FORM" And  Left(Ucase(m.name),1) <> "$" And Ucase(m.name) <> "SYSMOVED" Then
' Call m.copyitemtodocument(docMailNew,m.name)
' End If
'End Forall
Call docMailNew.save(True,False)
If doc.QRA_DocumentID(0) = ""  Then
Call uidoc.save
Goto Label_Save
End If
docMailNew.ParentDocUNID = doc.QRA_DocumentID(0)
docMailNew.Mail_UniversalID = docMailNew.UniversalID 
Call docMailNew.save(True,False)
Call viewMail.Refresh 
Set docTmp = viewMail.GetDocumentByKey (docMailNew.Mail_UniversalID(0),True)
If docTmp Is Nothing Then
Messagebox "貼入Mail失敗!! 請重貼 !!",MB_OK+MB_ICONSTOP,db.Title 
Exit Sub
End If
Dim itemMailSub As NotesItem 
Dim itemMail_UNID As NotesItem 
Dim intC As Integer
Set itemMailSub = doc.GetFirstItem (strFN_Subject)
Set itemMail_UNID = doc.GetFirstItem (strFN_UNID)
If doc.GetItemValue (strFN_Subject)(0) = "" Then
intC = 1
intC = Ubound(doc.GetItemValue(strFN_Subject))+2
End If
strFormula = "@ReplaceSubstring(Subject;@NewLine;' ')"
varRes = Evaluate(strFormula,docMailNew)
Call itemMailSub.AppendToTextList (Cstr(intC) + ":" +varRes(0))
Call itemMail_UNID.AppendToTextList (docMailNew.Mail_UniversalID(0))
Call uidoc.RefreshHideFormulas 
Call uidoc.refresh
Call uidoc.save
End Sub

'//Deattach (Action) Click
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim viewMemo As NotesView
Dim varMail As Variant
Dim varTmp As Variant
Dim docMail As NotesDocument 
Dim aryMail_Subject() As String
Dim aryMail_UNID() As String 
Dim strInx As String
Dim strFN_Subject As String
Dim strFN__UNID As String
strFN_Subject = "MailSubject"
strFN_UNID = "MailNoteID_1"
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument 
Set doc = uidoc.document
Set db = doc.ParentDatabase 
Set viewMemo = db.GetView("viewMemoByID")
varMail = ws.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST, db.title, "請選擇你要閱讀的Mail" , "" ,doc.GetItemValue(strFN_Subject))
If Isempty(varMail) Then
Exit Sub
End If
varTmp = Split(varMail,":")
strInx = varTmp(0)
Redim aryMail_Subject(0)
Redim aryMail_UNID(0)
intC = 1
For i = 0 To Ubound(doc.GetItemValue(strFN_Subject)) 
If Cstr(i+1) = strInx Then
Call viewMemo.Refresh 
Set docMail = viewMemo.GetDocumentByKey  (doc.GetItemValue (strFN_UNID)(varTmp(0)-1),True)
docMail.sysMoved  = "Y"
Call docMail.Save(True,False)
If aryMail_Subject(0) <> "" Then
Redim Preserve aryMail_Subject(0 To Ubound(aryMail_Subject)+1)
Redim Preserve aryMail_UNID(0 To Ubound(aryMail_UNID)+1)
End If
intPos = Instr(doc.GetItemValue (strFN_Subject)(i),":")
aryMail_Subject(Ubound(aryMail_Subject)) = Cstr(intC) + ":" + Mid(doc.GetItemValue (strFN_Subject)(i),intPos+1)
aryMail_UNID(Ubound(aryMail_UNID)) = doc.GetItemValue (strFN_UNID)(i)
intC = intC + 1
End If
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(strFN_Subject, aryMail_Subject)
Call doc.replaceItemValue(strFN_UNID,aryMail_UNID)
Call uidoc.RefreshHideFormulas 
Call uidoc.refresh
Call uidoc.save
End Sub

'//Read (Action) Click
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim viewMemo As NotesView
Dim varMail As Variant
Dim varTmp As Variant
Dim docMail As NotesDocument
Dim strFN_Subject As String
Dim strFN__UNID As String
strFN_Subject = "MailSubject"
strFN_UNID = "MailNoteID_1"
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument 
Set doc = uidoc.document
Set db = doc.ParentDatabase 
Set viewMemo = db.GetView("viewMemoByID")
varMail = ws.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST, db.title, "請選擇你要閱讀的Mail" , "" ,doc.GetItemValue(strFN_Subject))
If Isempty(varMail) Then
Exit Sub
End If
varTmp = Split(varMail,":")
Set docMail = viewMemo.GetDocumentByKey (doc.GetItemValue (strFN_UNID)(varTmp(0)-1),True)
Call ws.EditDocument (False,docMail,True)
End Sub

