
2013年12月4日 星期三

[AP] check RTF field

'//check RTF field

△當ACL設定中 □Replicate or copy documents 沒勾時,做了文件暫存
則會產生「$KeepPrivate = "1"」的欄位

要記得確認ACL設定中 □Replicate or copy documents 要勾起。
If ChkIsRTFNull("ATH_8") = True Then Call SP_GotoField(pws, "ATH_8") : Error 997, "矯正措施, 其狀態為Done的項目" & Chr(10) & "Error: 請填寫矯正措施 - 權責部門改善附檔!!"

Function ChkIsRTFNull(rtfield As String) As Integer
On Error Goto Errhandle

Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Set uidoc = workspace.CurrentDocument

'Call uidoc.ExpandAllSections 用於有小節的部份

Call uidoc.GotoField(rtfield)

Call uidoc.SelectAll

Call uidoc.DeselectAll

ChkIsRTFNull = False

Exit Function

Select Case Err
Case 4407
ChkIsRTFNull = True
Exit Function
Case Else
Error Err
End Select 
End Function

Function IsRTFNull(rtfield As String) As Integer
On Error Goto Errhandle

Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Set uidoc = workspace.CurrentDocument

'Call uidoc.ExpandAllSections 用於有小節的部份

Call uidoc.GotoField(rtfield)

Call uidoc.SelectAll

Call uidoc.DeselectAll

IsRTFNull = False

Exit Function

Select Case Err
Case 4407
IsRTFNull = True
Exit Function
Case Else
Error Err
End Select 

End Function

Function IsrtfMT (doc As Notesdocument , FieldName As String) As Integer
' This function checks if a rich text field is empty

Dim mbdcount As Integer,plaintext As String
Dim rtitem As Variant
mbdcount =0 ' initialize
Set rtitem = doc.GetFirstItem(fieldname)
If ( rtitem.Type = RICHTEXT ) Then
plainText = rtitem.GetFormattedText( False, 0 ) ' render the Rich item into text this gets all text values and ignores attachments/OLE
If Len(plaintext) < 1 Then

If Isarray(rtitem.EmbeddedObjects) Then
Forall o In rtitem.EmbeddedObjects ' loop through array of embedded objects in the rich text item
mbdcount=mbdcount+1 ' there is at least one emb object
End Forall
End If
End If
End If

If (mbdcount + Len(plaintext)) < 1 Then ' if there are no embedded objects AND there is no text also
IsrtfMT=1 ' return flag to calling string RTF IS EMPTY
IsrtfMT=0 ' return flag to calling string RTF IS NOT EMPTY
End If

End Function

Function SP_IsRTFNull(ws As Variant,rtfield As String,ExpandSections As Boolean   ) As Integer
'│功    能: 檢查指定欄位是否為空值(有文字、附檔、Doc. Link都算是有值) 
'│參    數: ws      UI Workspace            傳 回 值: RT欄位是否為空值 
'│   rtfield 欲檢查的欄位名稱              
'│   ExpandSections 是否展開小節後再檢查      
On Error Goto Errhandle1
SP_IsRTFNull = False '預設回傳值
If ws Is Nothing Then Exit Function '當未傳入ws ,則可能是在Domino Server上執行,則不再檢查
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim currentfield As String
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
If uidoc Is Nothing Then Exit Function
If Not uidoc.EditMode Then Exit Function '非編輯模式也不檢查
currentfield = uidoc.CurrentField
'This is only needed if your field is in a section that may be closed when this executes
If ExpandSections Then Call uidoc.ExpandAllSections
Call uidoc.GotoField(rtfield)
Call uidoc.SelectAll

'The next line will generate a 4407 error message if the Rich Text Field is null
On Error Goto Errhandle2
Call uidoc.DeselectAll
If currentfield <> "" Then
Call uidoc.GotoField(currentfield)
End If
Exit Function
' Call SP_ErrorBox("SP_IsRTFNull Function")     
Resume TheEnd          
'the DeselectAll line generated an error message, indicating that the rich text field does not contain anything
If Err = 4407 Then SP_IsRTFNull = True
' Call SP_ErrorBox("Library:SP.wfLibV2-SP_IsRTFNull()")     
Resume TheEnd

End Function

